Your best friend gets married and she proposes you to be a maid of honor? According to the study that has just been published, one would be tempted to think twice!

So, according to the wedding shopping website, Weddington Way, a US bridesmaid spends an average of $ 1,324 for a wedding! That is nearly 1200 euros. An exorbitant figure explained like this:

- $ 165 on average for the dress
- $ 89 for hairdressing and make-up
- $ 71 for shoes
- $ 56 for accessories

A total of $ 381 for the "physical" preparation of the bridesmaid. And it is not finished since there is then:

- $ 501 disbursed in the bachelor party and the "Bridal Party", a day between girls where the bride is covered with gifts.

- $ 442 to pay for any journey, accommodation and gifts at the wedding.

660 bridesmaids were interviewed during this inquiry into the expenses they must incur for marriage. The Americans of the Northeast (New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island ...) spend on average more (1466 $) that the inhabitants of the "Midwest" (Nebraska, Missouri, Dakota, Wisconsin ...) that they put 1 $ 178 in the wedding of their girlfriend / sister / cousin.

In France, according to a sofinco-Opinionway poll published in June 2015, the budget for a wedding is about € 8,283 for 65 guests . As for the expenses of the bridesmaid, there is no survey that can give statistics, but it is assumed that it soon becomes expensive because, as the Americans, French women are in charge of the burial of life of young girl, they must be beautiful and find a nice dress and buy gifts. However, a few ready-to-wear brands have come out of collections for bridesmaids at reasonable prices like Asos or NAF NAF.