The inventory of fixtures

In addition to weight, type 2 diabetes is to be feared especially in women who had a child late or a baby over four pounds. And in 90% of cases, it is a significant weight gain that triggers it.

How do we do ?

A daily intake of one gram of protein (lean meats, fish, dairy, legumes) per kilo of weight has a satietogenic effect that helps control it while preventing muscle wasting. As long as you forget the red meats, especially the fat ones (beef ribs, mutton), because the menopausal woman needs less iron.

We also limit superfluous fat: "one gram of fat equals nine calories," recalls Dr. Catherine Serfaty-Lacrosnière. On the other hand, the emphasis is on essential fatty acids such as omega 3 to prevent cardiovascular risks and to promote the functioning of neurons. To avoid snacking, we favor foods with low glycemic index (whole grains) and cooking al dente that soothe the feeling of hunger. And it is better to reduce your consumption of wine to three or four glasses a week.

"In case of hormone replacement therapy, favor foods or waters rich in magnesium, otherwise the appetite and cravings for sugar increase. Consume yogurt with two drops of Sterogyl (vitamin D), for better assimilation of calcium (which is more difficult in this phase), "advocates Dr. Kathy Bonan. And "prefer olive oil to cream," advises Isabelle Hininger-Favier. At equal quantity, micro change can lose a kilo fat in one month 6. Likewise, swap white sugar for honey, brown sugar or spices. Drinking green tea (three to four cups a day) is good for reducing fat absorption. Finally, we favor muscle building activities (dumbbells, Pilates to firm the abdominals ...) to preserve the lean mass.