How to lower your laptop bill?

We have all become addicted to the mobile phone. To the point of forgetting that it takes a little too much space in our budget ... Our tricks not to leap with each invoice.

? And if we began by peeling it, this bill?

It's a good start to know exactly what level you're " skidding ": too much out of package , sending photos, Wap connections? Calls abroad charged at gold prices? Then take your last six bills and make an average of your time consuming. The " lazy " option: ask your customer service to do the math for you .

? We switch to text mode .

The SMS can be a great solution to lower its "talk time" as soon as the conso tracking goes into the red. Especially as more and more packages offer SMS in unlimited. Alternatively, opt for a pack of text messages each month to avoid paying full pot (on average € 0.30).

? We choose the right package. The last commercial credo?

We sell smartphones. Cheap ! And it's true that these high-tech devices throw. The hic: the packages that go with are expensive (rarely under 40 € for 2 hours of communications!) Because they include unlimited access to TV, Internet, etc. Contrary to this mode of the multimedia package, the alternative operator Simpleo offers " voice " packages. And the difference is clear: for 21 € per month, we have 2 hours of communications! A trick: go for a ride on the site which proposes a comparative table of all the offers of the market according to your needs.

? We sort it out.

MMS packs, holiday passes, info alerts ... Do you really need it? If the operators take such trouble to offer us these options for three months at the opening of the line or punctually, to thank us for our loyalty, it is because they hope that we forget to terminate them !

? Play the competition .

Contrary to what one might think, changing operator is child's play. It's free, you can keep the same number and, in 8 days, the case is folded! What about the directory? No more copying by hand: we can now make a backup on its client space and then copy it into its new Sim card. Easy !

? When is the low cost laptop?

In spite of the monopoly of the three incumbents, some of the newcomers are doing well. Like Prixtel and its really smart concept of a flexible package: every month, the customer is referred to the package that " sticks " offers of 6 large operators. More information on