We do not choose to get off to a good start. On the other hand, we can do everything to make a day of work go as smoothly as possible. The advice of an expert to turn an exhausting day into a pleasant moment.

Tip # 1: Anticipate your day

For a serene day, nothing like setting a course. We make to do list, with achievable goals, on which we note the things to do in detail. Of course, not all projects can be completed in a single day, so it is indicated whether it is "to launch", "in progress" or "to be completed". Why does it feel good? We avoid the feeling of discouragement, as soon as we arrive at work, and we say bye-bye to the unpleasant sensation of unfinished business that invades us in the evening.

Tip # 2: Have fun

Every day his little pleasure. No need to burn the blue card or get a pizza orgy. The secret is to find it in the simple things of everyday life. There are plenty of ways to brighten up your day: give yourself a moment to yourself at the lunch break, savor a dish you like, take the time to see a colleague rather than send him an email, make a good tea with his favorite bags ... But this little pleasure is not necessarily personal. And why not bring his famous cheesecake to the office to share it with his colleagues? Why does it feel good? From the morning, we know that a little happiness awaits us during the day. Of course, it motivates!

Tip # 3: Innovate

Try to remember the last time you did something new ... hard? We are bogged down surely in the routine ! By changing very small things in your daily life, you feed differently. Take a different path to work, change your break times ... Nothing like breaking the routine! Why does it feel good? Nothing is more boring than the daily grind!

Tip # 4: Take care of your relationships

Having good human relations is essential to feel good at work. General atmosphere and individual relationships have a huge impact on our well-being at work. It's very simple but really interested in your colleagues' response to your banal 'how are you?', Looking them in the eyes etc. are good ways to improve your relationship. Side attitude, we try to be positive rather than rehash his problems (which we can allow more when we are closer). We also take care to behave with them as we would like them to act with us: encouragement, precisely measured and deserved thanks always make their small effect. And to optimize his professional relations, he does not hesitate to discover his colleagues from another angle by offering them a lunch, an activity at the break ...

Tip # 5: Adjust your space

Good working conditions are also induced by our environment. We therefore develop his space to feel good: he must look like us and he makes us want to work. We prefer a maximum of natural light and we do not hesitate to surround ourselves with green plants that help to feel better. Even if you are in an open space or you do not have a fixed office, you can make a small space yourself thanks to a small photo frame or supplies (notebook, pens ...) that stimulate us. A nice notebook to make you want to work it also works for adults!

For more tips subscribe to the newsletter of My Happy Job (www.myhappyjob.fr) to receive, each week, information on well-being at work.

Thanks to Fabienne Broucaret, founder and editor-in-chief of My Happy Job, a webzine dedicated to the quality of life at work.