An amazing study has just been published in the third part of the Annual Barometer Sport Health of the French Federation of Physical Education and Voluntary Gymnastics, broadcast publicly Wednesday, September 23: nearly four in ten French (38%) admit to having never practiced sports activity. And if the figure does not surprise you more than that, it is surely that you are part of this third of the population, perfectly inactive. By the way, here are 5 proofs that you are in the #NoSport team!

  • You sweat while watching the insta running of your friends

But what do they all have to instagram every other day their running? Besides, why do they inflict all this on themselves? On your side, nothing but the sight of their course makes you sweat with big drops. Even though you have practically felt uncomfortable reading the legend "Hill Climb x2" of your colleague's office ...

beyonce why

  • You have body aches by climbing two floors

You are one of those people who are absent from the office when the elevator is broken. Obviously, sometimes you have no choice but good: the last time you had to climb two floors in a row, you had aches for 3 days!

The devil gets dressed in Prada goes out of the elevator

  • You still have price tags on your leggings

One day, you cracked for a sporty leggings, a little shorts! But it was two years ago ... Since then, this same legging drags to the bottom of your wardrobe and besides, there is always the price tag on it ...

Blair Waldorf in full shopping in the Gossip Girl series

  • The only time you worked your abs, it was laughing!

If you had to go through a magic scanner to find out what your most developed muscles were, we would probably see your language (yes, you're a bit talkative) and your abs (also very good public)!

Kim Kardashian is also doing abs work while laughing

  • You are one of the few people who never spoil your sneakers

Last but not least that you are followers of the non-sportiness exacerbated? Your sneakers are gleaming! You never had to wash your runnings, since you're walking with ... Except when you're going to miss your train, but it does not matter, does it?

moon walk with sneakers