New Year's Eve? Not easy to ensure waking up and re-enact with the Christmas meal! Dry and pasty mouth, heavy stomach, heavy legs and sore feet ... Our advice to prevent (and relieve) the evils due to the excesses of the festivities.

  • To drink a lot of water

The aftermath of difficult holidays is largely the result of dehydration due to alcohol abuse. Wine, champagne and gin and tonic generate many toxins that pollute the body.

To get rid of it, the kidney starts working at full speed. It produces a large volume of urine, higher than that of all the ingested liquids. Hence the feeling of hangover: pasty mouth, nausea, etc ...

In addition, acetaldehyde from the transformation of alcohol causes dilation of the blood vessels, which is also causing headaches. To break this vicious circle, drink a lot of water (about 2 l in the day). In contrast, avoid coffee. Diuretic, it is likely to aggravate the situation.

  • Purify your liver

Between the Christmas and New Year's meals, the liver is put to the test. To unclog, put on lemon juice. Warm lukewarm at bed jump, it will facilitate the elimination of bile and neutralize digestive heaviness. You can decorate it with a pinch of ginger powder, a spice whose anti-nausea effect has been scientifically proven.

Vegetable juice made with black radish, carrots and cucumber is also welcome. In addition to its detox action, it will soothe any heartburn.

  • Do not skip meals

Even if you feel smeared, skipping lunch or dinner would be a big mistake. Without nutrients, your body would be even more exhausted and produce more toxins. In addition, faced with this restriction, it will go into "storage mode", that is to say, it will store the little you bring him. Not ideal after the feast of Eve.

Better to eat, but light of course. The best menu for your convalescent intestines: "a small fillet of white fish and vegetables steamed to mop the acidity of the body," says dietician Angélique Houlbert. You can sprinkle them with turmeric to fight liver clogging and protect the stomach walls from irritation.

  • Walking in the open air

Especially do not hang out in pajamas all day long. A 30-minute tonic walk will activate the elimination of toxins and boost blood circulation. The best is to go to a park or forest to also clean his lungs, manhandled during long smoky evenings. The morning is the best time: a bath of light before 11 am to resynchronize its biological clock.

  • Pampering his feet

If you have stomped or danced a lot with high heels, decongest your feet in a stream of cold water as soon as you get home, then stretch your legs in the air with quick toe movements to revive your feet. circulation. You can also practice self-massage using a tennis ball rolled under the soles of the feet for example.

If cramps persist the next day, take two granules of Cuprum metallicum 5 CH at bedtime. And " if your tendons are sore, alternate Arnica ruta 5 CH and Arnica montana 9 CH, 2 granules 3x / day until symptoms disappear," advises the homeopath Albert-Claude Quemoun, author of "Homeopathy, a practical guide" ( Ed Leduc.).