• Seven minutes work out

His concept is simple: seven minutes of intense exercise, one minute per exercise, with the encouragement and guidance of a coach, a voiceover that can be chosen. We have the choice between a man and a girl, and a sergeant major who runs way boot camp. Part of the application is accessible for free, this is the basic exercises part: squats , abs, board, steps, etc. The rest of the modules are paying, and cost 2.99 euros. It is overall very successful and worth the investment.

  • Nike Running

This is the application you need if you run. She tells you everything during the effort: your race pace, the time you have run, the time you have left on the goal you set before the race, the number of kilometers covered. You are informed as you go, all to the rhythm of your sport playlist. At the end of the race, you can indicate if the effort was simple with smileys, share your route which is also traced on a map with the GPS of your smartphone. Playful and indispensable for running .

  • Daily Yoga

Position of the chair, dog upside down, dog straightened or cat, this application allows you to do yoga sessions for between 20 and 30 minutes with integrated live animation. Obviously there is a free part, 3 modules to be precise, and other modules are paid monthly or year.

  • Nike NTC

The Nike Trainning Club for intimates. This application allows you to follow more or less intensive workouts depending on what you want to work: firmness, flexibility, weight loss. Workouts are taught by teachers and take the form of short videos whose sole purpose is to set an example. Free, just register on the site or through the app and determine its goals at startup.

  • Sworkit

Divided into four types of exercises: strength, cardio, yoga and stretching, this free application offers exercises adapted to work what you want, the time you want. Each exercise is illustrated by a coach who makes the move to set the example while a timer runs. Whatever the program chosen, the exercises follow one after the other. Well organized, it is easy to use and its exercises are very effective.