The bouquet: a must-have wedding accessory

Whether one has decided to marry at the mayor's office, at the church or at a secular ceremony: the bridal bouquet forms an integral part of the outfit. In fact, it is even the indispensable accessory of marriage . Country-style, bohemian, with seasonal flowers, dotted with succulent plants, cascading or more classic, no matter, the bridal bouquet can take any aspect. We especially love his colorful touch.

And then, between us, it would be a pity to deprive singles of the traditional bouquet !

What flowers to choose for her bridal bouquet?

If at the time of the Crusades (date of the tradition of the bridal bouquet), orange flowers were used to compose it, today all the flowers or almost are put to contribution. This depends, above all, on the bride's taste for flowers and decoration, because the choice of the bridal bouquet is closely linked to the decoration chosen for D-Day. Among the most popular:
- The red rose symbolizes love and passion. The other colors of roses are not left behind: many brides opt for a blend of roses.
- The arum (also called lys calla) represents the happiness and the beginning of something. No wonder that this flower is particularly appreciated by future brides.
- The peony , flower emblematic of the country gardens, smells the country air, a style also in vogue in weddings. One can choose it open or closed, white, pale pink, pink fuchsia, red and above all, mix it with other flowers, smaller, to contrast with the imposing peony ball effect.

If there are no rules for choosing a bridal bouquet, holly , thistle and other prickly flowers can be avoided. And, would be a pity to prick your fingers or spoil his dress !

To make your choice of bridal bouquet or just for the pleasure of the eyes, direct our slideshow photos of the most beautiful bouquets spotted for you on Pinterest!