The French and their belly
Danone's Activia program
Some tips to remember and put into practice

The French and their belly

In May 2008, Danone published a study Ipsos-Activia "The French and their belly" revealing that our abdomen was the first object complex French, far in front of the buttocks (18%) and hips (18%). Two years later, this trend is confirmed, according to the results of the second survey conducted in December 2010 * by the Ipsos Santé Institute.

Yet the belly is a key part of our body. It is a place where our energy , our gravity and our emotions reside and emerge. Indeed, it reflects the psychic and physical disorders, hence the relationship of cause and effect between what concerns you and stomach pains that manifest at the same time. Stress, anxiety or other problems often translate well in e belly that shakes, twists, contorts, swells, or drains.

88.4% of French people say that they regularly suffer from problems of digestive comfort. It is therefore necessary to take care of your diet and to practice adapted gentle techniques , such as self-massages, stretching or yoga.

* From a nationally representative sample of 1019 people aged 16 to 64 years.

Danone's Activia program

Because 66% of the French believe that feeling good about your body makes you feel better in his head, Danone has set up a personalized support comprehensive program to take care of his stomach.

It has 4 themes: beauty , psychology , fitness and nutrition . Present on and entitled: " 15 days to recover with the Activia program", it allows you to acquire all the necessary techniques to feel good and healthy.

Free, it has been designed with 4 four recognized coaches and experts in the field. Their advice is delivered through various media: videos, photos, editorial content ... The consumers themselves can enrich it after registering and having completed a questionnaire leading to a personalized program (according to sex and age) .

Some tips to remember and put into practice

- 2 to 3 times a day breathe through the belly , so to massage and keep fit

- Take care of your diet by focusing on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and drinking 1.5 water per day. However, avoid foods that are too sweet or salty and limit your intake of animal fats. In summary, eat healthy .

- Move 30 minutes a day, limit the excitants to have a deep sleep and restorative, which will bring in addition to the feeling of well being, a beautiful complexion.

- Learn to breathe well in order to relax your belly. In addition, practice relaxation and or meditation .

- Practice pinching and rolling by rolling a fold of skin between your thumb, forefinger and middle finger; this will unclog the fat cells, facilitate their elimination to achieve a firm skin .