Remember, it all started a little over three years ago: running was THE sport of fashion. Because running corresponded to a state of mind and dressing in flashy leggings and two-tone sneakers was a must.

All this is over. REAL running fans of course continue, but on Instagram, #instarunners are more discreet. The bike, the new running? Well, yeah. You are told why>

  • Cycling can kill two birds

Having a bike for sport and for getting around everyday like a Amsterdamer is quite possible. Go work while shaping his silhouette, what more? It is not with running that you can do such a thing, unless you run after the subway or the bus. But getting sweaty at the office is embarrassing ...

  • Cycling goes on forever

Dynamo cycling, elliptical bike , aquabiking, mountain bike, indoor cycling, body cycling, ... The Cycling is declined to infinity to fit all personalities, all bodies and all rhythms. This is not necessarily the case of running that can be exercised only outdoors or indoors on a carpet. Even though aquarunning is developing, it remains less popular ...

  • The cycling curves the calves without forcing

If the running requires many efforts, cycling requires as much, but less violently. Thus, you will curve your silhouettes - and especially your calves - without you realizing it: barely a month later you will see the effects. And without cramp, as running can sometimes cause!

  • Cycling makes it easier to chat with friends during the effort

We are sitting next to his girlfriend, we pedal while sheathing, and we are not disturbed by pebbles to avoid and other pitfalls that can include running. You can turn your head without problem to discuss, for sure, cycling brings more comfort than running from a practical point of view!

  • Cycling is the fashion of the collective sport

The individual sport becomes out. If some people like to recharge their batteries on their own - what running is all about - the trend is for group sports, whether indoor or outdoor. Collective sport invites you to have the taste of the effort together, to share good moments in a group, and simply enjoy a moment of sport to see something other than the effort, but the pleasure and the joy of surpassing each other. Cycling fits perfectly in this movement ...

Ready to pedal ?!

Ready to pedal ?!