Until now, we rarely wore a wig for pleasure and his image was associated with cancer and chemotherapy, but Lady Gaga and Beyonce have gone through there and now we all want to wear a wig for an evening!

Because we have all dreamed of changing color, haircut and having the feeling of being another for a moment, the wig is the ideal solution! Want to be platinum blonde at the Brigitte Bardot or opt for a short cut at Audrey Hepburn for an evening? The wig allows you to change haircuts without going through the hair stylist step, to enter another character, to put yourself in the shoes of a heroine so that the time of one evening, everything becomes possible!

The trends are defined by the two ambassadors of this new phenomenon: on one side Lady Gaga and her blond platinum wigs completely extravagant and on the other Beyonce and her hair length dizzy! The ultra short and the ultra long are the two wig trends to follow closely!

But as the phenomenon "wig" is still very recent, to pass the course remains difficult for fear of the unknown! Do not panic, marieclaire.fr has investigated for you and plays the game of questions and answers so that you can change haircuts and put you to the wig without the shadow of an anxiety!

Is that all right? Will not I lose it?

No, if you choose a good wig, you do not risk losing it by igniting the dancefloor! However, there are different types of wigs: they can be tailor-made or adaptable to any head circumference. Those that are tailor-made are more pleasant to wear than others, but also much more expensive.

Synthetic hair or natural hair?

Everything is a matter of price! Natural hair wigs will be much, much more expensive than synthetic hair wigs. If the wig is well made, we do not logically see the difference between the two.

What you need to know is that maintaining a synthetic hair wig is easier than maintaining a natural hair wig.

An alternative to having long hair?

And yes, without going through the box extensions that cost a fortune, there is a system of locks to clip on your hair on the sides and back of your skull for a bluffing length effect!

And the interview?

There are two ways of maintaining a wig: either you learn to do it at home, or you do it in the shop where it was bought. For those who use it little, it is more convenient to have it done! There are however some bases to know: a wig brushes and requires a shampoo like a natural hair (attention, shampoo is specific for a synthetic hair wig).

How much does it cost ?

The price range is impressive, prices vary depending on the work and quality of hair of the wig. The range ranges from 210 euros for a synthetic fiber wig to 3,900 euros for a long wig in natural hair.

Where to find a wig worthy of the name?

We immediately forget the shops of the style "Everything for the holidays" and to acquire a real wig, we go to specialized centers where the saleswomen will be able to advise you properly.

For Avray's wigs, the list of points of sale is available on their website: www.anydavray.fr or by phone: 0805 810 820.

And if not, Camaflex: www.camaflex.fr

So, to change haircuts without going to the hairdresser, you just have to take a look at our selection of wigs!