To take care of oily skin, just a few simple actions and good habits to adopt.

Here are our tips for a suitable beauty ritual.

The anti-oily skin routine to adopt

  • We clean his face daily

To find healthy skin, it is essential to regulate the production of sebum.

You wash your face thoroughly morning and evening with gentle products. It is recommended to use foaming gels, overgreased breads without soap or micellar water .

Warning: products containing alcohol are to be banned.

Marseille soap does not mix well with oily skin. It dries the skin, which then produces more sebum to protect itself.

In the evening, we make a complete make-up removal of the face. Indeed, makeup obstructs pores and impurities are nestled more easily on the skin.

  • We think to moisturize his skin

Oily skin, like any type of skin, needs to be hydrated. However, it is best to choose a face cream that does not contain any fat so as not to aggravate the problem.

The best option? A cream that is both moisturizing and mattifying.

A mattifying cream plays a significant role in the regulation of sebum and in addition to masking glosses. Products rich in zinc are highly recommended, the latter being a major ally of oily skin because it has the power to limit the excessive production of sebum (also called seborrhea).

Floral waters and some vegetable oils also have a beneficial effect on oily skin. Lavender floral water, for example, purifies the face, and hazelnut oil is useful for tightening the pores of the skin .

Finally, jojoba oil, which contrary to what one might think is non-greasy, is ideal for removing this type of skin without attacking it.

  • We favor scrubs and masks adapted

To clean the skin thoroughly, face scrubs are essential. However, not all products are suitable for oily skin.

Gum scrubs scour the skin, so it's best to keep them away. They prefer soft scrubs, yogurt or oat for example.

The scrub should not be done more than once a week. Deep cleaning that is too frequent will have the opposite effect of the one sought.

Once or twice a month, we make a mask with green clay, recognized and appreciated for centuries for its purifying, sanitizing and absorbing properties.

Why does one have oily skin?

The skin is oily when the production of sebum is too important.

Unsightly shine appears, especially on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Pimples, redness and other skin discomfort are more likely to appear.

Several factors can explain it: pollution , heredity, poor skin hygiene, or even stress .