• Anti-aging at 20 years, in prevention

In the twenties, the skin naturally produces enough collagen to be taut and smooth. On the other hand, it is the right time to take good habits for his skin. Every morning, a moisturizing cream is applied. And that's all. Of course, we make sure to remove make-up and cleanse the skin morning and evening. Prevention is mainly done by moisturizing the skin well and protecting it from external aggressions such as sun or pollution. Around 25 years, the first wrinkles - superficial - can appear at eye level, so eye care is used to rehydrate these fine lines of dehydration. One tries to choose care based on vitamin C, to rebooster the skin.

anti-aging 20 years

  • Anti-aging at 30 years, the first superficial wrinkles

Around 30 years, the skin turns a little with a renewal of cells less active, collagen production decreases and the appearance of the first wrinkles. Do not panic, these are wrinkles of expression and dehydration, which are not deep and that can easily be filled. We do not lose our good moisturizing gestures and, if our wrinkles are not very marked, we can use an anti-aging cream "first wrinkles" occasionally (about two to three times a year). A good day cream is not overlooked and, if the skin is visibly more marked, an anti-aging treatment can be used continuously, morning and evening. We make the habit of stretching its creams towards the neck and décolleté!

  • Anti-aging at 40 years, skin repair

It is around age 40 that the wrinkles really settle, going down towards the lower part of the face. The nasolabial furrows are hollowed out like the folds of the neck. It is observed that the skin refines and is less elastic because of the slackening of the skin. To remedy this, an anti-aging cream is used morning and evening. For more effective, punctual (or continuous if you have wrinkles very present), you can use anti-aging serum under your care cream. Do this anti-aging cure at seasonal changes and in difficult times when you are very tired or sick.

anti aging 40 years

  • Anti-aging at age 50, care of mature skin

With menopause and all its upheavals, the skin is not spared. It is less dense, more and more fine and dry. The appearance of pigmentary spots is also observed. To preserve its skin, the anti-age care becomes specific for "mature skin" and applies morning and evening. A specific care will affect all areas of skin aging, including tasks. You can also use a specific anti-task care to combat the appearance of these time marks on your skin.

  • Anti-aging after 60 years of comfort and well-being

After the sixties, your wrinkles are installed and even vertical, sometimes checking your cheeks. Your skin is always finer, drier and more fragile. It is important to continue to hydrate your skin. For this, continue the morning and evening application of an anti-wrinkle skins mature skins, which you can couple to a serum on a daily basis. It is especially important to enjoy yourself with skin care, choosing textures, materials and odors that we like and that are pleasant. Your anti-aging treatment becomes a privileged moment of well-being, which, in addition, helps you to feel better about yourself. Both literally and figuratively!

anti-age 60 years