Shaving the mustache stimulates regrowth

False. Contrary to popular belief, shaving does not stimulate the regrowth of hair.

The only difference is the feeling to the touch. The hair has a tapered end because it is cut at an angle. However, as for pubic hair, they become thicker and their base is more pungent.

Moreover, many bloggers recently launched the trend of " face shaving ", which consists of shaving the entire down on the face.

It is possible to wax the upper lip with a thread

True. And this is called " hair removal ".

To remove your hair with a wire, use a small epilator spring.

After placing it on the chosen area turn the end pieces on themselves. Once stuck in the spring, they are depilated.

If the method is a little tedious, it is still effective and gentle for the skin.

Shave the mustache before an electric session in the office

False. After introducing the needle connected to the electric current in the hair follicle to burn it, your doctor will have to pull on the hair to extract it.

Therefore, it is important not to wax your down before an electric session.

Laser hair removal may depigment black and mixed skin

True. Black and mixed skin are at risk of depigmentation using conventional laser hair removal techniques, since these aim to affect the melanin present in the hair.

You have to have long hair for a session of laser hair removal

False. Unlike hair removal, for laser hair removal , hair should be short.

Indeed, the laser seeks to burn the melanin which is deep within the hair follicle. And when it is growing it produces a lot of melanin.

If it is usually recommended to shave his hair before a session of laser hair removal, for the mustache it is strongly recommended to discuss with his doctor beforehand.

And for good reason, laser hair removal (as well as pulsed light hair removal ) can lead to what is known as paradoxical hair regrowth.

This means that because of the heat, hair growth can be accelerated in the surrounding areas of the treated area.

The electric depilation of the mustache is painful

True. And yes, electric hair removal may be very effective, it is also very painful.

However, before a session of electric hair removal, it is possible for you to apply an anesthetic cream on your upper lip.