If your desire to shape your belly is stronger than anything, rest assured, we can help you! First, avoid unbalanced diets that often cause a yoyo effect to your body and particularly affect the appearance of your skin and your figure.

Instead, give yourself 30 minutes of brisk walking a day, not only will your body get muscular, but you will most certainly lose weight quickly! Indeed, this one will make you work all your body and especially your posture (and by that your belly). For the effects of this sport to be visible, always think about applying the technique of 'home' : lower your shoulders (the roof of your house), tuck your belly slightly to have a good hold (the walls of your house). home) and contract your perineum slightly (the floor of your house). Soon you will find that your body carves . In order to continue this action, think about redrawing your abs . For this, make 'butterfly abs', easily achievable, they can safely tone the belly without hurting the back!

To make butterfly abs:

- Lie on your back and spread your knees to immobilize the pelvis and relax the adductors.

- Tuck your belly button without putting your back to the ground.

- Put an apple or a ball between your chin and your collarbones in order not to shoot the cervical ones.

- Inhale without moving and then exhale by taking off the shoulders from the ground (without coming down on the lower back) and firmly tighten the perineum.

- Return to the starting position by inspiring.

Ideally, make 2 sets of 20 repetitions every day!

Find all Julie's advice on her site by clicking here .