You want to crack for the curly trend but you are afraid of the end result. To know everything about the perm, here are its 9 truths:

  • With a perm, I will necessarily look like a poodle


Now, your hairdresser is in finesse and plays with several sizes of rollers to give your new loops the most natural appearance possible. The perms have gained in lightness.

  • The perms do not hold


As the name suggests, the permanent is ... permanent. Of course, the loops relax in time, but only after two or three months (if it is well done). In reality, the permanent disappears with the growth of hair. If you had very stiff hair, they will continue to grow smooth. To retouch a permanent, you can do root detachment. The ideal is to be limited to three permanent per year.

  • Permanent ones are less aggressive


The techniques have evolved and now, perms are based on sugar derivatives or amino acids. Their ammonia content is lower than before.

  • The permanent dries the hair


Unfortunately yes. Even if ammonia is less present, care must be taken to carefully treat her hair permed. We opt for specific care to fight against desiccation and we nourish them deeply to maintain their good health and their radiance.

  • We can not color permed hair


Certainly, a permanent associated with a color represents a lot of stress for your hair. But it's up to you to take care of it more. Prefer plant colors and make the most of care: massage your lengths with oil to make them shine, make restructuring masks to strengthen them and apply a suitable day cream.

  • I can not do a straightening after a perm


Unless you really want to damage your hair for the next two years ... If you want to remove your permanent, you will gradually cut the ends and wait for your hair to grow to the right length.

  • The permanent causes irritation


Only if you have an extremely sensitive scalp or an allergic reaction. You may experience itching and irritation. In this case, consult your dermatologist with the exact composition of the perm.

  • We can do his permanent on short hair


Even short haircuts are entitled to their permanent (men too for that matter!). The hairdresser will then use rollers and pliers. It is certainly a meticulous job, but not impossible.

  • I can do my permanent just before the summer holidays


The permed hair supports the sea and the sun very well. No question of ignoring the sun protection for the hair. A good capillary filter will protect your curly hair from drying out due to salt and sand. You can also make repair masks to nourish your hair .