Do you like to wiggle on hot beats? Do you want to further tone your body ? Sh'Bam is for you.

Imported straight from the United States, this sporting activity allows you to let off steam on the tubes of the moment while improving your endurance and your cardio-respiratory capacities. And that's not all !

The Sh'Bam, through its simple movements, redraws and tones your silhouette, all on a background of rock music, reggae, hip-hop, and even remixed Latin. What more ? On average, a Sh'Bam session lasts 45 minutes and offers you a different choreography for each track you listen to. By following a single course, you eliminate more than 500 calories.

Of course, like any sport, Sh'Bam must be practiced regularly, about two sessions per week, to benefit from its benefits.


Contrary to what one might think, there is no need to be a dance pro to practice Sh'Bam. Just let your body express itself! Whether you're a beginner or a confirmed dancer, your goal in Sh'Bam sessions is to get out of your way. The choreographies are easy to memorize and no complex coordination of movements will be required.

And for the most refractory to physical exercise, the sensation of fun will be so strong that you will not even see the time go by. In short, all you have to do is take on your tracksuit, your sports shoes , and hit the club in a good mood !


In general, dance, accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, is an excellent way to assert oneself and to free one's body from stress and possible tensions. With its exhilarating power, the Sh'Bam is an invitation to renewed energy and lightness (although memory and concentration are very much in demand during sessions!).

By taming your body more through a neat and enjoyable choreography, your self-esteem improves and your complexes fade away as if by magic. As you have understood, Sh'Bam is not just a sport, it is a real entertainment with therapeutic virtues. Convinced? So, it's on the dancefloor and the carved figure!