Some stars sign the revenge of redheads by displaying an incendiary mane.

The red now defends its place on the red carpet and becomes a trendy color.

The red color rehabilitated by the stars

Once mocked, women with red hair are now taking a nice revenge with the rise of "red heads" in Hollywood.

Both glamorous and rock, red hair has become unavoidable.

Moreover, it is when Rita Hayworth became red-haired that she became the Hollywood icon that we know.

Auburn, Venetian, red ... All the reds are in nature

Now all women envy red hair, so well worn by the stars.

Sensual, be it the red red of Debra Messing, the auburn red of Julianne Moore or the red-haired Venetian (a blond pulling red) Nicole Kidman, red hair know how to highlight the women who wear them.

Roux: a color that is difficult to maintain

True value of the coloring, because it goes to all the basic colors, the red requires however a particular attention.

But, that the stars are reassured on this side: their colorist will always be there to maintain their red and sublimate it on all occasions.

Now, the stars assume their red hair and wear it proudly, embodying strength, passion and self-confidence.