He pampers your garden

Use your coffee grounds as fertilizer ! If it fills aphids and ants it is also very popular with plants ! To make the most of their assets, scrape the soil a little , put the coffee grounds on it and moisten it. The roots will be able to take full advantage of it!

It gives a second life to your carpets

If the colors of your carpet have passed but you do not want to separate from them, please revive them in a jiffy ! Moisten your coffee grounds and spread it on your carpet . Leave on for a few moments then remove the excess with a straw broom, amazing but effective ! Use the same technique on your doormat ending this time with an energetic brushing.

It reveals the brilliance of your pewter objects

If the patina on your pewter objects is dull , rub it with some very dry coffee grounds . It will find all its brilliance!

It hunts 4-legged animals

You can not stand any more than the cat of the neighbor put in bad your long hours of gardening while walking in your massifs? Spread coffee grounds there, stepping on them, the cushions of Minou will imbibe this smell that he hates particularly.