Flamenco, weather ... and culinary specialties! Spain is a destination not far away and yet so exotic! Embark on a moment of festivity with our selection of the best Iberian recipes that make you want to go behind the stove.

Paella, tapas and conviviality

As for gastronomy, the country has a multitude of specialties. The mythical paella , of course: rice, mussels, saffron, ... among others! It is the family dish par excellence. There are also tapas , a sort of appetizer that you eat standing on the edge of a table, in the streets, and that we share with his band, during the tour of bars ... tapas. In general, 3 or 4 are enough to constitute a light meal but, if one is greedy, one can also eat a lot more! In addition, the recipes limit our imagination: bread, anchovies , ham, dried tomatoes, eggs, chorizo ... the associations are numerous and tasty!

Specialties throughout Spain

And if paella and tapas are the best-known recipes in Spain, each region has its own specialties. Geography requires, in areas bordered by the sea is consumed a lot of fish and seafood, while in regions with more relief is cooking more rural dishes, based on cold cuts. In southern Spain, we prefer cold specialties like gaspacho .

Discover in our slideshow our exclusive selection of the best Spanish recipes !