The contouring consists of using several shades of foundation to highlight your face. If you find its shape too triangular, the work of shadows and lights can remedy it. It will be rather to round the angles so as to give an oval effect. Keep in mind that dark shades will be used to visually shrink certain areas while highlights will highlight them.


Above all, contouring is done on a perfectly clean and hydrated skin . Start by preparing your complexion according to your habit, without forgetting the concealer and concealer. For the rest, you can use either creams, for a very clear result, or powdered textures that will be lighter. In any case, you will need a product with a lighter shade than the natural color of your skin, as well as a darker one. There is a type of powder specially designed to bring light: the highlighter.


The application techniques differ according to the morphology and the desired rendering. In the case of a triangular face, we will seek to refine the upper face. For this, we strengthen the shadows so as to make it less imposing. Take some of the darkest foundation and lay the material on each side of the forehead and in the hollow of the cheeks. To break the angles, you can also apply it to the tip of the chin.


Then take care of giving relief. For that, use the highlighter on the zones to put forward. To rebalance the set, use the light tone in the middle of the forehead and along the jaw, on each side. This highlighting will bring out the oval of your face by giving it volume. Our tip: for sensual lips, you can drop a light touch of highlighter over cupid's bow. You will give relief to your mouth. A small detail that will make all the difference.


To be perfect, your contouring must blend perfectly and go unnoticed. For this, do not neglect the application. Take the time to blend out the boundaries and blend the colors together. An adapted makeup will be enough to correct your small defects without even going through cosmetic surgery! Finish by applying a little blush at the temples . It will further refine this area while refreshing your complexion. With your lipstick , feel free to redraw your lips to give them a more rounded shape. These few tips should suffice to sublimate your triangular face!