Osteopath and sports medicine enthusiast, Alexander Gorecki believes in the power of the body and sport.

Great cyclist before the eternal, the therapist is inexhaustible on the little queen - to distinguish from cycling , which is practiced in the gym. "With swimming, cycling is the only sport called" dump ". Translate: it allows cardiac work without impacting the joints. "

The benefits of cardio without the disadvantages

In short, pedaling offers only the benefits of cardio: strengthening the heart muscle, prevention of cardiovascular disease, reduction of hypertension and cholesterol ... and production of "happy hormones" galore! Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins ... this cocktail constitutes a true natural prozac which, by the way, improves sleep and mood.

On the biomechanical side, the practice guarantees a muscular and ligament reinforcement while ensuring the good lubrication of the hips but especially of the knees, via the alternation of flexion-extensions. "Blood irrigation, joint drainage and influx of beneficial substances: the more the joints are used, the better they work; even the cervical ones benefit, "says the osteopath.
To increase alertness, the visual and auditory fields open up; finding the balance requires mobilization of the inner ear ... all this helps to reduce cervical stiffness or osteoarthritis.

The outdoors, a metabolic booster

Outdoor practice does not lack arguments: the body is exposed to natural light, so UV that trigger the production of vitamin D, necessary for the production of bone tissue, and melatonin - still a special agent sleep and morale -. Not to mention the wind, which oxygenates.

Pollution ? "You're at the top of the exhaust pipes, a much less toxic level than the closed spaces -taxi, bus, metro. In town, avoid hyperventilation anyway.

Good player, Alexander Gorzcki admits a few flaws: "We are not very well dressed and the weather can do hers" before taking again the hand: "you expose your body to more allergens so you make more anti body ! "

Cycling precautions

Do not look, there are zero contraindications to the bike ... as long as it is your size. We do not take the hot rod of his darling - the male and female models are studied according to the morphotypes. Side saddle, adjust it so that the leg is almost extended, to preserve your knees, without ever being fully stretched, to avoid the hank.

In case of lumbar, cervical or knee osteoarthritis, you will need to be doubly rigorous on the equipment. We say no to mountain biking. The grail: the Dutch model, or assimilated. "Because the posture in the right back avoids any back or lumbar pains" illuminates the osteopath. His motto: "Great, dignified and beautiful! "

Another important detail: better to go out helmeted, to exclude any head trauma in case of fall.

And we do not do 4 hours of cycling in a row. Beginner's Roadmap: Half an hour (15 minutes round trip), three times a week. Gradually, extend your time on weekends: you will soon push up to 100 km in two days. Yes Yes…

Get back on the bike.
Istock / Vesnaandjic

Cycling, a 100% practical sport

No schedules, zero cost once the equipment purchased - and on the Bon Coin, it's very accessible ... nothing more flexible than two-wheelers! We get on it to go to the market, to the cinema and even to work! 80% of commuters (suburban residents who work in Paris every day) by bike ride in electric. This option erases the cardio effect, but the biomechanical and neuro-physiological benefits are there. We break with the sedentary, it's good for the planet, we arrive fresh at the office ... and you're always on time!

Alexander Gorecki is fishing, and it is contagious, like a bike session: "You have produced happy hormones, so you feel good, so you want to start again. You redo it and you are proud of yourself. Your friends and your Jules envy you and join you, with the children, including the little ones embedded in the baby carrier. Your new tribe is shunning with the beauty of the landscapes and the song of the little birds ... "She is not beautiful, life on saddle?