If being a liberated woman is not so easy, being a woman who does not like Star Wars is at least as much. Because yes, the famous saga "saber laser", is undoubtedly part of these things that it is not good not to love publicly. Except that, the release of a seventh movie makes me voice my voice: no, I do not like Star Wars and this new opus makes me fall into the meanders of incomprehension and boredom by anticipation.

A TOO release announced and a teasing intensive TROP

First reason for my latent melancholy: the hype that is made all around this opus since the announcement of the shoot. While the planet almost stopped shooting this weekend after the release of the teaser on social networks, we must go back to 2013 to find the first information about this film. And in two years, we no longer count the articles that have been written on this subject: casting, return of the starring actors, first images and now official poster. In short, too much is too much!

fail of lightsaber

A change of direction incomprehensible

Already I had trouble understanding the craze of my friends / relatives / colleagues for the Jedis, these gentlemen adept of phosphorescent swords, the change of direction taken for this seventh film me exceeds even more. And even if we should find Harrison Ford (the only real interest in all this cinematic masquerade), we know for some time already that George Lucas is no longer in the business. The question then arises: what is the point? Even the 2015 Lightsaber is already decried on the Web.

harry ford the most beautiful

Totally exaggerated commercial exploitation

Yes, okay, Star Wars is a reference for a whole bunch of people. Yes, whether we like these films or not, we all know "I am your father" and other key phrases of the six opus and we even whistle the musical theme since we learned it from the recorder to the college . Except that the exploitation made around these films goes far too far: decoration, clothing, advertising ... nothing stops the brands that go ever further. But honestly: who's going to crack for a Yoda doll talking?

Yoda master

An outdated universe (which does NOT speak to me at all)

In all honesty, if the next Star Wars bores me in advance, it's especially that the previous 6 have not already captivated me for a penny. Between discourse that drips of good-thinking (evil is bad and good is good), the little strange gentlemen in toga who roam, the robots who supposedly speak but who actually make the same noise as my modem in 2002 and the young women who try chunks bun but over their ears, I never managed to hang.

r2d2 gif tomb

I hope that I will not have crumpled the unconditional fans of the saga who must wait for the release of the 7 th opus with more excitement than their birthday. Tell yourself that it will make one person less in front of you in the tail of the cinema!