To converse physically thanks to ... DIY

Who said that physical exercise must necessarily rhyme with pain and inconsiderate efforts? Although the sport requires more fitness for 93% of men and 83% of women , it seems from the survey conducted by Manomano, the site dedicated to DIY, that DIY and gardening are not left behind. Indeed, 69% of men and 50% of women consider that planting flowers or retouching a piece are just as important as a running session. And this is not wrong, since 1 hour of cycling at 20 km / h is equivalent to spending fewer calories (387 calories) than mowing your lawn (417 calories burned on average ). Women, however, are 58% to find that trips and outings require more physical exercise (as long as you walk a lot). Interestingly, 6% of men surveyed think that cooking is the activity that requires the most physical exercise against ... no woman! The lack of habit of these gentlemen could perhaps be called into question.

A healthy mind in a healthy body

In this same survey of hobbies that allow us to feel better, both mentally and physically, we learn that DIY is not just about maintaining your body. Do-it-yourself jobs or gardening top the list of activities that allow you to revise your mathematics basics. To calculate the dimensions of a piece, to know where to give the hammer, for 87% of the men and 51% of the women , therefore, it would seem that the famous theorem of Pythagoras really serves something. Finally, DIY and gardening also give breath in the head since the contact with nature, knowledge of plants are just as refreshing.