Sleep is the key to good health and well-being. However, many factors can disturb the nights. Sophrology is an essential ally to find rest and the energy of life. The point with the help of the Institute of Sophrology Training!

Sleep: disruptive elements and consequences
The average sleep time of an adult is 7:30 per night but each at his own pace.
We distinguish between the short sleepers: 5h30 of sleep per night, and the long sleepers: 9h30 of sleep per night.
The goal is to find and respect his rhythm.
The sleep is fragile and the factors that can disturb the rest are numerous: the stress, the annoyances, the physical activity before going to sleep, the food ...

However, fatigue directly influences our behavior: degradation of professional and family relationships, decreased energy, concentration and alertness are all symptoms resulting from lack of sleep. And many people see their work disrupted by a lack of sleep.

Finally, insomniacs would have more health problems than sleepers and would be hospitalized 2 to 3 times more (info extracted from the book "Sleep, sleep well finally" of Dr. Luc Audouin).

Sophrology or how to let go
The practice of sophrology can be very useful to accompany people with sleep problems.
She allows to :
- Evacuate tensions: Sophrology encourages listening to oneself. Once the psychic or corporal tensions are identified, it is possible to evacuate them by movements of "contracted-relaxed for example ...
- Relax the muscles: falling asleep is accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone. The exercises of breathing and autosuggestion will therefore promote rest.
- Relax completely: breathing techniques and visualization of positive images give way to well-being and calm. Gradually, the person becomes autonomous and can relax in less than 5 minutes.

"A good night is a good day, the sophrology accompanies the person with sleep disorders to review his schedule, it is to listen to yourself and take breaks, even short, during the day The brain in activity and the muscles under tension over time do not "disconnect" easily Sleep well is to allow moments to let go " explains Catherine Aliotta, Director of the Institute of Sophrology Training.

Thanks to the Institute of Sophrology Training