RED DAY, a national awareness day to inform women about cardiovascular risks, is being held on April 7, 2016 . Since 2011, the association AJILA works to promote prevention and awareness in the field of Health and Education. For this second edition of RED DAY, launched by the charity, every woman is asked to wear red in support of the "Go Red for Women" movement .

"Go Red for Women": save the hearts of women

Created in 2005 by the American Heart Association, in the United States, the movement quickly circumnavigated the world and came to France, under the name of Save the Heart of Women and in twenty countries for one purpose : to raise awareness of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, especially in women. On April 7, 2016, the association AJILA invites everyone to wear a red-colored clothing and post a selfie on the Facebook page save the heart of women and on Instagram and Twitter followed by mentions @SauvezleCoeurdesFemmes and @CoeurdesFemmes . To spoil nothing, the "Brigitte" singers are, this year, the godmothers of the movement.

9 million women die each year worldwide of cardiovascular disease, 1 in 3 women . An impressive figure making these diseases the leading cause of female mortality in the world . Across all genres, cardiovascular disease kills nearly 17.5 million people worldwide each year.

Women often do not know what promotes cardiovascular disease

The first results of an epidemiological study will be revealed on the occasion of this day. Conducted among 7,000 women between the ages of 25 and 45, for 1 year, the study reveals that the women interviewed are unaware of the risk factors.

It is recalled that it is advisable to:

- practice regular physical activity
- maintain your weight
- eat healthy
- avoid smoking