A fast, effective and painless hair removal that allows us to say goodbye to the beautician, the wax, the electric epilator and the razor ? This is the promise of pulsed light hair removal at home.

But before embarking, it's a whole questionnaire that torments us: is it painful? How many sessions does it take to see the first results? How it works ? We asked all these questions to Benjamin Wilson, scientific expert Braun.

What are the specificities of a home pulsed light hair removal device?

Benjamin Wilson: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a technical innovation that slows the cycle of hair regrowth with light.

The pulsed light device emits light pulses of light under the surface of the skin that target melanin in the hair follicle. With continuous and periodic use, pulsed light helps prevent unwanted hair from reaching the skin's surface and its growth is permanently reduced.

What are the differences between pulsed light and laser?

Sometimes consumers use "pulsed light" and "laser" interchangeably as generic names for light-based hair removal devices. The mode of action is the same for both technologies (they target the melanin in the hair follicle) and in terms of results: they slow down the growth of the hair . The most important difference is the type of light that is used.

How it works ?

The light pulses are optimized to target the pigment in the hair, called melanin. Each pulse sends a flash that is absorbed by melanin into the hair follicle and is transformed into heat. This breaks the hair growth cycle. With continued use, the hairs become weaker, thinner, lighter and grow more slowly.

For whom is the pulsed light hair removal?

It is not generally suitable for everyone. It is more effective on light, matte skin tones, with hairs ranging from natural blond to dark brown or black. The device is less effective on hair very blond, red, gray or white where the small amount of melanin would not absorb the light energy.

Since black skin contains more melanin, it absorbs more than the recommended amount of light energy, which can cause more discomfort.

How to use your pulsed light epilator?

For starters, you will need to shave the hair from the area you want to treat to help direct the light into the follicle and not on the surface. The hair actually serves as a driver and avoids burning the skin.

The device should be used on clean, dry skin.

Depending on the device, a light signal lets you know when the device is ready for use. There are usually several modes and intensities, which we select according to our tolerance. If you feel an uncomfortable feeling, like a tingling a little too intense, you reduce the power. For quick and continuous use, it is best to slide the device on the skin.

Better to choose a device that detects and continuously measures the differences in complexion and automatically adjusts the light intensity to the right level, because the skin tone varies on the body.

What results can we expect? Do we have to touch up?

The hair growth cycle varies between individuals and can take up to 16 months, depending on the area of ​​the body. Only growth-promoting hairs are sensitive to pulsed light treatment, so it is important to do multiple treatments to get a smooth skin continuously.

For this reason, we recommend a start-up phase of 4 to 12 treatments, performed weekly, to obtain optimal results.

After completing the start-up phase, you can continue according to your needs. Some women will need one use every 1 to 2 months, while others once every 6 to 12 months. We must adapt the treatment to his feelings.