The eternal story of hair removal with wax , razor, depilatory cream or electric razor tires you? Would you like to finish once and for all with hair? The so-called "definitive" hair removal with pulsed light or laser is the solution! The point * on these two methods.

Laser and pulsed light: how does it work?

The laser as the pulsed light emits light, photons, which will be absorbed by the pigmented bulbs. These will be destroyed by heat (consequence: they are not effective on white hairs, very light or red).

The difference ? The laser emits a very precise wavelength to be ideally absorbed by the melanin of the bulbs. Pulsed light does not sort the waves. The operator therefore places on the device filters that sort the waves.

Laser hair removal or pulsed light, does it hurt?

The rays emitted by the laser are not very painful because these devices are accompanied by a cooling system of the skin.

It feels like the fast ping of a small rubber band. Pulsed light can be more painful because the heat emitted is more intense.

Which device to choose according to its skin color?

The Alexandrite or Diode 810 laser is reserved for fair skin. For very pigmented or very tanned skin, choose the NdYAG laser . It will take more sessions but we will be sure not to burn the skin.

To proceed with the session, do not have a tanned or self-tanned skin. It is necessary to shave the hair 4 or 5 days before so that the emergence of the hair is visible. Goggles are essential for both pulsed light and laser.

The duration of the session is variable, everything depends on the hair and the area to be treated. We treat about 2cm2 by "shot". Count an hour for the legs for example.

How many laser sessions or pulsed light to eradicate hair?

Everything depends on the area shaved: on the face, the regrowth is faster, so count 6 to 10 sessions spaced from one to two months. On members 5 to 8 sessions spaced two to three months apart.

The results themselves are immediate since all the generation of bulbs in activity has been eliminated. Then gradually other hairs will reappear that we will again destroy laser or pulsed light.

The price of laser hair removal or pulsed light

The sessions of pulsed light are a little less expensive than the laser sessions: armpits 80 to 100 €, against 150 € approximately laser. Whole legs, 200 to 350 € against 400 € laser.

The laser can only be practiced by a dermatologist. The pulsed light is also practiced in dermatological practice but can also be proposed in a beauty institute ... at the risk and peril of beauticians who use it and have been repeatedly prosecuted for illegal practice of medicine (hair removal by light being considered a medical act). A law is in preparation to specify what are the acts authorized or not to beauticians.

Pulsed light hair removal devices, of moderate power, are also now available on the market, for personal use at home.

Permanent hair removal: contraindications

Before treating hyper hair, the doctor will check that it is not hormonal problems that must be treated first. Also ask your doctor if you have diabetes, epilepsy, and if you are on photosensitizing treatments.

* Thanks to Dr. Jean Michel Mazer, dermatologist and laser specialist.