Turn down the sound ! This is probably what we would be more and more tempted to say if we believe the study Ifop 2016 commissioned for the National Day of Hearing March 10, 2016.

From now on, nearly 2 out of 3 French people feel exposed to noise , and that's more than before.

But this exposure to noise is also more frequent also for 9 out of 10 French, this discomfort is now daily .

But for most of us, excessive noise is not only a source of nuisance but also a cause of a real health problem , since:

- 53% of respondents believe that noise creates headaches - 49% ensure that noise can generate anxiety - 45% say that noise can also cause permanent deafness (in contrast 70% of young people think that noise does not run the risk of permanent deafness)
- 42% believe that noise creates tinnitus ( whistling in the ear)

In transport, at work, in concert, in restaurants ... or even at school, the noise seems to surround us and have an impact on our health . And, according to the various studies conducted each year for National Hearing Day, the problem of hearing young people is growing. To the point that 8 out of 10 young people aged 15 to 17 say they have trouble following a conversation at school !