It was in 1932 that Dr. Volder developed manual lymphatic drainage. And since then thousands of patients have seen its beneficial effects to relieve inflammation of eczema, acne, leg or arm edema, cellulitis , water retention , gastrointestinal discomfort, and even nervousness.

The lymphatic system: an emunctory essential to our health and beauty

Lymph is the colorless liquid that circulates in the lymphatic vessels through pulsating contractions of muscles and blood vessels and drains toxins and cellular waste.

These vessels that travel all over the human body meet in the lymph nodes that allow the circulation and cleaning of the lymph. They sit deeply in the abdomen, thorax, neck, but also more superficially in the groin, under the armpits, clavicles, maxillary ...

They are real bodyguards because they serve as filters to the lymph, sweep viruses, bacteria and make antibodies released into the blood in case of infections.

The many benefits of lymphatic drainage

It is not enough to strengthen our immune system, which is already huge!

The drainage of the body relieves the heavy legs when we do not walk enough, it fights the oedemas especially post-operative (facelifts, big arms after mastectomy with the agreement of the surgeon). It fights the painful cellulite, facilitates our sleep .

Athletes are very much in demand to soothe their muscles after exercise by eliminating the lactic acid factor aches.

Finally for those who have bowel problems and constipation a single session is already enough to relieve greatly.

On the face it repasses our features, drains the swollen tissues (face and eyes) activates the blood circulation to lighten and rosy our complexion. It even has anti-inflammatory powers in the cutaneous tissue ( eczema , acne, rosacea), and promotes healing.

On the other hand there are formal counter indications to this drainage: asthma, renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism , hypotension, phlebitis, abundant periods (they may increase in intensity), breast cancer . In this case it is essential to seek the opinion of our practitioner.

How is a session going?

This drainage must be performed by a physiotherapist or a specialized beautician (mandatory training is required to perform these maneuvers).

I lie on the massage table in underwear. No cream, oil or makeup on the skin.

The gestures are sweet. The lymph nodes corresponding to the face, at the level of the clavicles, under the jaws, at the base of the neck, are opened with light pressure to empty the toxins. Or for the body, above the bladder.

Then the lymph is pushed towards the veins and the heart by delicate pumping maneuvers performed with the fingertips.

The session lasts about an hour. We get up (in general we fell asleep!) Light legs, features smoothed.

The bags under the eyes have disappeared, my complexion is pink thanks to the oxygenation of the tissues and the acceleration of the microcirculation. In short: it's the best make-up AND anxiolytics,

The price: Between 75 € and 100 € depending on the duration It can be supported in case of medical prescription.

Thanks to Odile Vilain, Physiotherapist (