Tristan Charles, sports coach and nutrition advisor, is formal: "To say that you can only lose buttocks, that would be lying! Nevertheless, it is possible to target the thinning by practicing specific sports exercises and by insisting with cosmetic treatments adapted to this zone.

Also, Tristan Charles prefers to speak of a "set of elements and practices" that lead to a result in the medium or long term. Plan of attack for thinner buttocks in three stages: sports, nutrition and cosmetics.

What sports exercises to lose weight?

At first, Tristan Charles advises to practice a cardio activity, such as running , swimming or cycling , quite intensively, linear or intermittent. Then associate this practice with muscle building.

" To work more deeply on the glutes , we can achieve a circuit training on the lower limbs by focusing on the following exercises: squat, inclined press, leg curl, gluteus maximus, exercise adductor machine and abductor, work with elastic, work on the ground ... The possibilities for the glutes are endless! "

My typical session to slim the buttocks

  • Warm-up: 5 minutes of skipping rope
  • Lower limb circuit: 10 squats, 10 inclined presses, 10 leg curl, 10 adductors, 10 abductors, 10 right gluteal expanders, then left

Repeat this circuit 5 times with a 30-second pause between each exercise.

Nutrition boost for curvy buttocks

"Nutrition is 70% of the work," says Tristan Charles. "In women, the" surplus "is deposited mainly in the hips and the gluteal area, so it is essential to monitor his diet.

If there is no special menu buttocks thin, there are simple and effective tips: remove any candy after 17h, do not nibble outside the 3 daily meals, reduce or even starch the evening. On the other hand, vegetables are at will: green beans, salad, spinach, radish ...

At lunchtime, we have a balanced lunch consisting of meat or fish, vegetables and starchy foods.

Tristan Charles also recommends drinking plenty of water, avoiding sodas and not embarking on a high protein diet.

With regular exercise and a balanced diet , you should see results, even if every person, every metabolism, is different.

"When the energy balance (caloric expenditure versus calorie intake) is negative, the body begins to do its work and reacts. He states that the results will be longer for a person starting from scratch than for someone who regularly practices an activity.

Finally, Tristan Charles adds that it is useless to stay stuck on a weight on the scale or on a waist. For him, the psychological factor and the well-being that one can feel are very important. He advises to do things simply, diligently.

And cosmetics side?

To target the thinning on the buttocks, one insists with its slimming care on this zone, by applying it morning and evening. If one wants to push the remodeling, one opts rather for a package of several sessions.

We prefer caffeine-based slimming treatments and anti-cellulite smoothing treatments for a better appearance. In addition, we can drink draining herbal teas, which help to maintain the silhouette.