Our gut is an organ in its own right and its lining is wider than a tennis court. It is inhabited by billions of bacteria (the microbiota or intestinal flora) that participate in its proper functioning.

But some foods cause some people inflammation and too much permeability of the intestinal mucosa. Pathogenic bacteria will then take over our good bacteria. This chronic inflammation will lead to insulin resistance, which is the source of my overweight and the famous metabolic syndrome.

Good news: two exams will allow me to understand why my microbiota is sick and allow me to finally lose weight.

The food tolerance test: often surprising results

How does it happen ? The laboratory takes 4 ml of venous blood (at the bend of the elbow), the centrifuge to obtain a serum. This will be used to determine the presence of antibodies in relation to a range of 221 substances contained in the most common food products (dairy products, nuts, meat, fish, seafood, cereals with gluten or not, legumes, spices etc.) The laboratory will be able to classify foods to which I am very intolerant, not very intolerant or not intolerant at all.

When reading this test the doctor will advise me to completely eliminate foods that cause me intolerance for 6 months, before reintroducing them gradually on my plate. And to avoid as much as possible those to whom I am moderately intolerant. "The results are amazing," says Dr. Lorcy. So I have a patient who has lost 25 pounds in three months. It's an extreme case, but most of my patients lose weight quickly and are done with swollen belly , irritable colon and other intestinal miseries. "

However, we can not draw a "top ten" of harmful foods as the results vary from one person to another. It can range from palm heart to squid ... and even caviar! However, beware of "low-end" tests that too often display false positives. Go to a laboratory that uses analytical devices related to nanotechnologies.

A urine test to detect resistant pathogens

In parallel the doctor will prescribe me a urinalysis, (examination of the urinary organic metabolites) to identify the aggressive bacteria which unbalance my microbiota, prevent my gut to function normally, cause its chronic inflammation and prevent me from losing weight. He will then prescribe a treatment intended to disinfect my intestines and sometimes even hydrotherapy of the colon , to be done exclusively under medical supervision.

With my microbiota again functional and my intestines perfectly healthy I should not delay to lighten and especially, find my intestinal comfort.

Thank you to Dr. Antoine Lorcy, President of the French Society of Anti Age Medicine. And to Dr. Jean François Bézot, Medical Biologist, Specialist in Predictive and Preventive Medicine.