Hair Removal: Choosing the Right Hair Removal Method
Eyebrow Waxing: Respect the initial shape of its eyebrows
Do not tweeze the eyebrows
Eyebrow Waxing: Choosing the right moment

Hair Removal: Choosing the Right Hair Removal Method

For many women, eyebrow waxing is synonymous with calvary or even frustration! How to restructure its line? Should we use a clamp or wax?
Several techniques of hair removal are available to you:

- Waxing with wax
Whether it is hot or cold, wax remains a sure value in terms of hair removal . Although it leaves redness, it allows to pluck the hair at the root. Thus, it takes longer to repel, which allows us to remain quiet for a long time. In addition, what is appreciable is that one can resort to this method in institute but also at home without necessarily being a real expert. On the other hand, the big negative point is that the pain is felt enormously. Soft, you are forewarned!

- Depilation with tweezers
Some use it to make their own eyebrow hair removal , others only for retouching. The removal of the eyebrows with the tweezers makes it possible to remove the hairs that annoy us one by one. Finally, note that it is the least expensive method ... The small problem is that the hair grows faster than for other hair removal methods, and it is necessary to catch the hair at the base before the remove it otherwise it is broken.

- Hair removal
For a clear and precise result, nothing better than the good old method still topical in the East: hair removal with wire. To do this, we use a thread like a small elastic that we cross with the index finger and the middle finger to catch the hair . With this method, small black spots are avoided when the hair grows back. However, this technique requires some experience. It is therefore preferable to have recourse to it in an institute.

The advice of the pro, Jocelyne Devilleneuve, passionate about beauty and expert in "setting eyes beauty "
- Maintain the line of eyebrows monthly , a daily hair removal breaks the hair and leaves on the eyelid disgusting regrowth .
- To avoid the "misty" effect and keep a nice line, use a fixative daily.
- Despite some common misconceptions, do not hesitate to remove the top of the eyebrows
- During epilation, brush the eyebrows to respect the line.
- To compensate for problems of symmetry between the eyebrows, mask the "differences" in pencil.

Eyebrow Waxing: Respect the initial shape of its eyebrows

The right gestures according to the shape of your eyebrows :

- For the eyebrows in circumflex accent
The tip of the accent is slightly epilated to have a better roundness.

- For straight lines
It is rounded in the middle of the line by leaving a little more thickness at the head and the external point, then slightly epilates the top of these extremities.

- For ears of corn
The shape of the eyebrow is slightly rounded by slightly epilating the upper internal corner of the head of the eyebrow .

The ideal?
Refine them from the tip of the eye. All eyebrows should be depilated along a thicker line at the top and gradually refining.
Finally, last advice: do not risk to depilate them above, except in extreme case of hairiness because by shaving underneath, the result is more natural and harmonious.

Do not tweeze the eyebrows

Eyebrows too thin tend to harden the eye. So opt for a light waxing .

Also be careful not to tweez too much between the two eyebrows, above the nose.
Certainly, some are forced to go through this step, but again, remember that it is not too much to remove on both sides, otherwise it is not your eyes that will be highlighted but your nose, and result n is not the same.

Finally last practical tip: do not stick to the mirror during the depilation of eyebrows , you might risk ignoring your other eyebrow and will get two different.

Eyebrow Waxing: Choosing the right moment

Whatever the moment and the method chosen, generally nobody escapes the small rednesses:
The idea is to minimize this effect by simple but effective techniques:

- Prefer the bath or shower
The pores are expanded by heat, so it is easier to remove the hair . Avoid tweaking your eyebrows as you prepare to go out, as the redness not very glamorous will be expected.

- On cleansed skin
It is advisable to have a clean face and make-up, especially the eyes so as not to distort, because of the makeup, the idea that we have our eyes.

- In the light of day
We can never say enough, but when we depilate eyebrows , it is essential to choose the right light to avoid mistakes and other disasters related to hair removal !

A good word ...