Moving is a source of stress ... not just for us! Domestic animals, do not support change: for them to arrive in a new habitat is therefore a real test. To preserve our little companions, it is better to adopt the right gestures.

How to prepare cat and / or dog for the move?

The secret of a successful move is a lot about organization and anticipation . Label the boxes, carefully pack the fragile objects ... but also support his pet. To avoid the change of habitat being too brutal , D-day, it is pampered and away from the tumult. Instead of letting him wander in the middle of the boxes and interfere with the muscular arms that carry the sofa, Medor or Felix is ​​isolated in a room where he will not be disturbed by all this fuss.

What can you do to help him adopt his new habitat?

Your new nest, you chose it. But for everyone to find something to do, make sure your 4-legged friend also finds his bearings . If he has strange reactions such as different crying or meowing, if he scratches or urinates on the furniture , goes to bed in a corner ... it is probably because he has not yet adopted his new habitat. No need to panic beyond measure: the animal should quickly resume its habits. To help them, it is best to reassure them and give them time to find their bearings. The Official of the move gives advice according to each animal:

  • For cats: the move is a big change, so it is advisable not to let out his animal for the first 2 weeks after installation. We must also take care to preserve its old habits as the time of the meals, to keep the same basket and its favorite toys ...
  • For dogs: the solution? Give him time, and affection. It must be reassured to make him feel comfortable. In the first days after installation, it is better to leave it on a leash.
  • For the fish: They too are very sensitive to environmental changes. To make a success of their move, we equip ourselves with: dip nets and transport boxes for fish, cans to collect water from the aquarium, oxygen tablets, and possible anti-stress water conditioner. And one is careful during the transport: it is necessary to think to cover well his aquarium with the help of moving cover or bubble wrap, before putting it in a box. The vibrations of the road could damage the glass of the aquarium without protection.