Faced with the 10 kilos that we would like to lose, we often have trouble where to start, change or change in his lifestyle. We must also face the obvious: it will be long. Yet everything is possible, provided you choose the moment when you feel really ready to take the step and provided you accept the inevitable phases of stagnation and other moments of discouragement - perfectly normal. However, it must always be borne in mind that it is by losing these pounds slowly but surely that one will manage to stabilize one's weight.

Anthony Berthou *, nutritionist specialized in micro-nutrition and health sport and Emilie Garel, nutritionist specializing in psychology of eating behavior, give us their advice for a serene weight loss. Of course, each person is different and, in the case of a significant weight loss, it is more than recommended to be accompanied by a nutritionist, expert able to adjust our food rebalancing according to our metabolism and our habits, food and life.

Slow, but lasting weight loss!

The first important notion is the acceptance of the way to go. "These 10 kilos, Anthony Berthou recalls, you have not taken in a month, and the more weight loss is important, the more they must be soft and long. They will only be more stable. "

Emilie Garel insists: "This step is in the long term, coupled with a regular sports activity". As soon as possible, we swap the elevator for the stairs, we go for a brisk walk , we go swimming, we take a bike! Group activities are preferred to stay motivated, but the key is to find the one you really like to make you want to invest in the long term. Anthony Berthou points out: "This must be a basic step, physical activity must become an outlet, not a constraint. "

For her part, Emilie Garel also advises to try relaxation, meditation or mindfulness nutrition, which can help to refocus in bad times and thus stay the course.

A high protein phase to boost weight loss

To lose 10 kilos, Anthony Berthou recognizes that it is better to start on a good start and therefore a quick loss (but limited) initially to stay motivated. He therefore recommends following a high protein phase over a fortnight: "These types of high protein diets are really harmful if they are followed in the long term, but can be followed for 15 days to begin weight loss effectively".

Thus, to make a difference on this first phase, the micro-nutritionist advises to remove all carbohydrates, including fruit and to insist on protein breakfast.

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The typical day of the first phase to lose 10 kilos:

Breakfast: 30 to 40 grams of oilseeds (nuts, dried fruits ...), 2 eggs, one slice of ham.

Lunch: protein, vegetables, a dairy product (prefer goat's or sheep's milk) without sugar.

Snack: you can nibble a handful of oleaginous (nuts, hazelnuts, almonds ...).

Dinner: vegetables, animal protein rather lean (ham, poultry, skinless chicken, veal, white fish, seafood ...).

And after ?

After 2 weeks, add fruit at breakfast or for a snack. The following week, animal proteins are replaced by legumes and oilseeds in the evening and a second fruit is added.

It then continues its momentum by making sure to limit the foods that promote the secretion of insulin and therefore the storage of fat (white bread, refined pasta ...), while practicing a regular sports activity.

And above all: we chew food slowly (at least 15 times per bite) to better appreciate its satiety!

To know how to allow oneself pleasures (not guilty)

In general, Anthony Berthou recommends favoring the right fat to provide the essential fatty acids that the body needs (linseed oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, oily fish, quinoa, sweet potato, etc.). .) to conserve energy but avoid starchy foods at every meal.

He also advises to agree, once a week, a joker meal, with what we really want to eat, keeping in mind however that it is important to chew well and eat in full consciousness: "We must be able to count 20 minutes between each dish".

Side apero with friends, we can allow one or two glasses of red wine (to be preferred to other alcohols) at that time. The sweet beaks can also bet on one to two squares of dark chocolate to 85% per day to calm their impulses.

* www.sante-et-nutrition.com