Unheard of: EDF and the Montrouge Social Housing Authority (92) are teaming up to renovate the energy park of some 2,500 HLMs in the city! Goal ? Equip all buildings with low-energy light bulbs , so that electricity costs for each apartment are reduced by an average of 60 euros while acting for the planet.

This brilliant idea comes from Thierry Virol , President of the OPHLM, and has received the support of many official bodies including the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. In order to provide enough light bulbs to homes interested in participating in the project, 20,000 pieces have been purchased for a total value of 80,000 euros. This sum will be amortized in the second year, since specialists have estimated the overall saving of electricity expenditure to 130,000 euros per year.

" Until a few years ago, sustainable development and ecology were not the priority of HLM companies . With the energy crisis, the situation has really changed. We win on all fronts: economic, social and ecological, "says Thierry Virol to the press. It only remains for us to hope that others will follow the movement ...