• Anti cellulite fiber foods to consume

Low glycemic index sugars, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in calcium and unsweetened, but also seafood stuffed with zinc and selenium. Remove the added sugars.

  • Dr. Laurent Chevallier's herbal tea to defeat fibrous cellulite

40 g of horsetail, 40 g of pilosella and 20 g of queen-meadow. Infuse three tablespoons of the mixture in one liter of boiling water for a quarter of an hour. To drink throughout the day.

  • The most effective fibrous anti cellulite sports

Walking (at least forty minutes a day), exercise bike, swimming, yoga and stretching .

  • The ideal fibrous anti cellulite cream

It softens the encrusted fibrous tissues and restores a new and elastic collagen to facilitate the elimination of lipids. To massage slowly in circular motions, without attacking the tissues to try to soften the sclerotic tissues.

  • Fibrous anti cellulite drink to consume regularly

Green tea , cold or hot, very rich in catechins - powerful antioxidants - to fight against stiffening tissues and promote weight loss .

  • The boost to overcome fibrous cellulite more easily

Omega 3 capsules to calm inflammation of the tissues.

  • The institute care to erase fibrous cellulite

The Thai massage disinfiltrant. Series of digital pressures on different points of acupuncture, followed by the application of tampons soaked in a cocktail of medicinal herbs, to lift the tensions of fasciae and muscles, stimulate the elimination of waste and disinfilter. The lymphatic circulation, which ensures the absorption of water retention, is revived and the acupuncture points of the liver and kidney are stimulated.