Energy: What are the landmarks?
Energy: Watch out for windows
Energy: Station at the attic
Energy: The fireplace ... a plus?

Energy: What are the landmarks?

The DPE * ( Energy Performance Diagnosis ) classifies dwellings from A , for the least energy-intensive (50 kWh / m2 / year), to G, for the most energy-intensive (> 450 kWh / m2 / year).

On the bill, a classified house G is 300 € more per room and per year than a house A!

And for sale, it is often a discount of 10 to 15% (outside city center). At the present time, the national average is at E , the old park at F, and only low-income houses are able to grab a grade of A.

* For memo, the DPE, valid for ten years, is established for information, it does not oblige? the owners to carry out work.

Energy: Watch out for windows

When it is 0 ° C outside and 20 ° C in the house, the temperature near a single glazing is 5 ° C ! If you want to make light, we put flexible rubber joints that reduce by 15% the heat loss .

Better, but more expensive, we trade the windows for double glazing with increased insulation that can save 10% ** heating and pass from the letter G to F ***.

** Source: Ademe (French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management).
*** Base: 100 m2. Source: Anah (National Habitat Agency).

Energy: Station at the attic

If the attic is not insulated , it is 25 to 30% of heating that go up in smoke , and the letter G in line of sight.

To climb the slope and save 600 € *** on its invoice, we isolate with extruded polystyrene (12 € env./m2), mineral wools of glass or rock (11 € env./m2) or, more ecological , animal or vegetable wool (20 € / m2).

*** Base: 100 m2. Source: Anah (National Habitat Agency).

Energy: The fireplace ... a plus?

Used in addition, it distorts the calculation since it reduces our consumption of energy ! But we close the hatch , otherwise it's as if we lived with an open window.