The phenomenon is not new, but he regularly talks about him.

The principle of alcoholorexia (or drunkorexia - contraction of drunk and anorexia translations of drunk and anorexia in English)? Anxious to want to "keep the line" young women make the choice not to eat or exercise excessively to "offset" the calories brought by alcohol eaten in the evening.

Extreme behavior that would also allow them to be drunk faster and longer, and at the same time save money to buy even more alcohol. A dangerous vicious circle.

Thus, on October 18th, the British magazine "The Independent" put the subject forward based on the results of a study published by the scientific journal "Australian Psychologist" in June 2016.

According to this publication, nearly 60% of Australian students are concerned.

Proven risks to health

Alissa Knight, the author of the study, looked at the issue after finding that the phenomenon has been growing in the United States for years and where serious studies have already been conducted (one of them, conducted by the University of Missouri in 2011, had shown that one in six American students would not eat before drinking alcohol).

"The most common symptoms of alcoholism among female students are skipping meals (37.5%), consumption of sugar-free and low-calorie alcoholic beverages (46.3%), and the practice of 'a physical exercise following an alcoholic party to eliminate (51,2%),' she explains.

Like her American counterparts, the scientist is worried about the consequences of such behavior on health.

"The results show that young women who drink on an empty stomach, or after intense exercise, have increased toxicity, which greatly increases their risk of developing serious physical and psychological effects, including brain damage, memory lapses, absences, depression and cognitive deficits, "warns Alissa Knight.

Women, faster dependent than men

And the risks are even more serious for women because of their metabolism, which makes them feel more quickly and durably the effects of alcohol. Worse, they become faster dependent than men.

A drift that could eventually tip the adepts in alcoholism, a pathology responsible for liver cirrhosis (chronic liver disease) and cardiovascular disease.

Alcoholorexia, not yet officially recognized by the medical profession as an eating disorder or illness, new scourge?