A campaign is launched this Thursday, May 12, 2016 by more than 2,000 doctors , gynecologists, endocrinologists and 2 hospital services in Limoges to raise awareness of the French on endocrine disruptors. " Society must protect pregnant women and their babies ": this is the slogan of this awareness campaign launched by the association Alerte des Médecins sur les Pesticides . The goal: to warn expectant mothers and their children about the risks they incur.

Which actions to adopt?

Starting this Thursday, May 12, 2016, doctors are working to display awareness messages and distribute brochures to prospective parents in the waiting rooms of hospitals and private doctors. 3 strong messages are presented:

- Prefer to use glass containers rather than plastic that contains endocrine disruptors for meals.
- Give priority to foods from organic farming to limit pesticide ingestion.
- Pay attention to the choice of paintings to redo the baby's room (some contain endocrine disruptors) and ban insecticides .

Endocrine disruptors: present in everyday life

Whether in the air or in food, endocrine disruptors are everywhere. If doctors rise up to educate the French is that there is evidence that many objects of everyday life and the food we eat contain endocrine disruptors. Hormonal disorders, risks of infertility, and even of cancers , these chemical compounds poison our daily life. And the list is long (parabens, triclosan, phthalates ...). Only barrier to the prohibition of these endocrine disruptors, the disagreement between European countries on compounds that can be dangerous. The last culprit stopped in 2010 by France, bisphenol A especially present in the plastic of some bottles.