The French series are making resistance, and it is among other things thanks to " Do not do it , do not do it", cult comedy broadcast for nearly 10 years on France 2. 10 years already that families Bouley and Lepic meet a success phenomenal on the small screen, even if the series is about to end. Yes, season 9, broadcast from February 2017, will be the last one.

Among the characters, some stand out. This is the case of Fabienne Lepic , embodied by the formidable Valérie Bonneton . The 46-year-old actress has managed to give life to this mother of an angry family (an euphemism) and would like to be able to control every aspect of her family's life. In nine seasons, it has chained the cult scenes. Small back.

When Fabienne Lepic picks up "C'est m'énerve"

You remember the song Helmut Fritz? On the occasion of a school show, Fabienne Lepic has made a takeover at least ... Personal, to evoke the lack of diversity in the plates of children. Originally, a little awkward , the scene had a great success.

When Fabienne Lepic claims "Breaking the Voice"

Authoritarian, Fabienne Lepic is also when it meets celebrities. And when she meets Patrick Bruel , she is persuaded to deal with her official look-alike. Result? She refuses to leave until he has sung his tube "Breaking the Voice".

When Fabienne Lepic is hungry

If we were to remember only one cult phrase of Fabienne Lepic , it would probably be this one. His famous " A table", howled in full voice, which resonated in many episodes.

When Fabienne Lepic goes to the pool

Going to the pool, there is nothing like it to relax. But still we should not forget his swimsuit! Fabienne borrows one for herself and one for her husband with the found objects, and even profits from her bathing to blackmail her man's boss. What woman !

When Fabienne Lepic plays the inventrices

You too, are you fed up with orphan socks? Fabienne Lepic found the solution: connect them by an elastic, much like the mittens of our childhood. Here is an idea of ​​genius! Practical for storage? It's certain. On the other hand, when the elastic cracks, it can be a little painful ...

When Fabienne Lepic wants to support the headmaster

Faced with the pupils of the high school of his children, Fabienne Lepic decided to support the headmaster. And when she discovers an insulting tag on the wall, she does not hesitate to get excited ... Leaves to slightly ridicule itself by discovering that the officials are her children.

When Fabienne Lepic makes gift packages

Colique, Fabienne Lepic ? Still, even when it comes to making gift packages! Ah, for sure: it's not tomorrow the day before that she will become the assistant of Santa Claus. Vulgary, edgy, she simply managed to scare away the customers, without winning anything. Congratulations!