For nearly nine years, the adventures of the Bouley family and the Lepic family have caused the viewers of France 2 to laugh. The comedy series finally ended after 9 seasons. But have we really finished with the program, and the little sentences and cult moments of the characters? Not sure.

The Confidences of Valérie Bonneton

Interrogated by our colleagues of Télé-Loisirs, the interpreter of the hilarious Fabienne Lepic has made a confidence that could please the fans. If she believes that "It's okay that the series stops now, it was the right time", she says that the idea of ​​a film to continue the series would not displease the actors. She, at least, is: "If it is a feature film, it is possible but it would have to be over the top I would not say no to a film about Lepic and Bouley, but!. the scenario should be really top. "

Indeed, Valérie Bonneton is very attached to his character in the series. "I have loved playing this woman who gives everything for her children and husband What's funny is that it is excessive while, I , I hate people who spend their time shouting ".

A feasible project

"Do not do this, do not do it" would not be the first series to have a suite broadcast on the big screen. A few years ago, Veronica Mars made a terrific return thanks to participatory funding. Since then, many series hope to follow the same path. This is particularly the case of the British cult series Downton Abbey , which could well be entitled to a second life in the cinema.

However, this type of project is not always easy to set up. Already, because it is necessary to convince studios of the potential of the film in question. But also, because bringing together the entire cast of a series once it is finished is often complicated. Especially for the shooting of a film, which can take several weeks, while the actors are already very solicited. Business to follow!