On Saturday, July 4th, 2015, the weather forecast prevails throughout France. So why not take advantage of it by participating in the Wheelbarrow Day ? A family event that takes place in the 29 Cueillettes Chapeau de Paille de France .

There is a total of 29 Cueillettes Chapeau de Paille in France, 10 of which are in Ile-de-France. Within each gathering, farmers cultivate their fields, their vegetable gardens, and we have only to come to pick fruits, vegetables and even flowers. To your wheelbarrows!

Day of the Wheelbarrow 2015: many animations on the program

Rendez-vous at 10 am in the Gathering nearest to you (the list here) to celebrate the Day of the Wheelbarrow. It is the occasion to come to collect pretty flowers, good strawberries or cereals , and summer vegetables like courgettes or tomatoes .

But La Journée de la Brouette is also a day of free entertainment for young and old:

- A wheelbarrow license issued to the smallest (from 4 years): the smallest but also the big ones, equipped with wheelbarrows can follow a course through the Picking. The key? A wheelbarrow license, and a good time to laugh.

- Guess the weight of his wheelbarrow : a farmer knows the weight of his wheelbarrow full just by looking at it. But what will it be for you?

- What price for my wheelbarrow? After guessing the weight of his wheelbarrow (filled with the products of Straw Hat Cueillettes), one must guess its price!