The generally known breast cancer symptoms correspond to the presence of a lump, mass or lump, inside the breast . However, there is another symptom of the disease, less obvious and little known to the general public, which can detect the disease.

Dimple on the breast, a telltale sign of cancer

In July 2016, Claire Warner, a Briton with breast cancer, shared this picture that showed the presence of a dimple under her left breast, a sign of breast cancer. Shared more than 26,000 times since it went online, his picture became viral.

"It's a picture of my left breast. The small purplish bruise is the place where I was given a biopsy. The tiny dimple to the left of it is a rare and little-known symptom of breast cancer, "explained Claire Warner on her Facebook account.

"PLEASE IF YOU PLEASE, check yourself (men and women) and make sure your loved ones do it too," she added.

After alerting her doctors, Claire Warner had surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and now hopes to be cured.

One month after Claire Warner's warning, May Ibáñez, a Spaniard, also posted a photo of her breast, explaining that with Claire Warner's advice, she had detected her cancer.

Breast cancer: the signs that must alert

The League Against Cancer recommends that women remain vigilant and watch for some tell-tale signs of the disease:

  • A change in the size or shape of a breast.
  • A lump or ball in a breast.
  • A hard ganglion in the armpit.
  • A flow through the nipple, especially if it is bloody.
  • A change in the pigmentation or texture of the skin of the breast or areola.
  • An irreversible retraction of the nipple of recent appearance.

If in doubt, it is best to consult a specialist as soon as possible in order to establish a reliable diagnosis.

1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer

Every year in France, 54,000 new cases of breast cancer are detected, which means that 1 in 9 women will be affected in her lifetime. It is therefore essential to be cautious and identify any symptoms by observation and self- examination of the breasts.