Recurrent malaise or temporary stress. Bach Flowers can help us transform a negative emotional state, current or rooted in us, into positive behavior, as long as we choose them well. Explanations.

"To be healthy, you have to be in harmony with your soul," said Edward Bach, a general practitioner, bacteriologist and homeopath. In the 1930s, in Mount Vernon, England, he focused on finding effective natural remedies that did not induce side effects. Persuaded that physical pathologies were linked to an emotional imbalance and could be treated thanks to the vibratory energies of wild flowers, he has developed 38 essences , obtained from 38 different flower essences.

The most delicate ones infuse the sun in spring water while the flowers of trees, bushes and plants are brought to a boil. Then the energy-laden water is filtered and added 40% organic Brandy as a preservative. This mother tincture is then diluted in 27% grape alcohol when placed in an amber glass bottle with a dropper cap.

A flower, an emotion

Dr. Bach classified the 38 elixirs into seven emotional families: loneliness, uncertainty, fear, sadness, hypersensitivity to people and ideas, excessive preoccupation, lack of interest in the present.

"Each flower acts on an emotion; for example, mimulus (mimulus) acts on self-confidence, olive (olive) on dynamism, aspen (trembling) on ​​unexplained anxieties, elm (elm) on sadness, honeysuckle (honeysuckle) ) about nostalgia, "says Fabiola Richet, pharmacist naturopath, who adds:" but there is no universal recipe. Before choosing the right flower, an introspection is necessary to identify his psychological profile of the moment by taking into account his temperament and his thoughts.

Drops consumed orally

The catch is easy: 2 drops of elixir in half a glass of water or directly in the mouth 4 times a day for a single flower. "In case of more complex discomfort, up to 6 flowers can be associated; 2 drops of each are then mixed in a 30 ml flask with water, then 4 drops of this mixture are taken 4 times a day. If the emotion is temporary, we stop when improvement. If it is recurrent, a cure of three weeks is advised, "says Fabiola.

You can also massage the forehead, the wrists, the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands with 2 drops. You can add about ten to the bath water and relax for 15 to 20 minutes.

"Rescue", the emergency flask

Dr. Bach also created what he called a 39 th flower, based combination of pink rock (rock rose), clematis (Clematis), impatiens, star of Bethlehem (ornithine) and cherry plum (plum myrobalan). This is the famous "Rescue", recognizable by its yellow packaging, emergency help to overcome a peak of stress or a crisis of everyday life. It is also available in spray, version day or night, and without alcohol for children or animals.

Very strict standards

Bach flowers is today a generic term that corresponds to the method of homemade preparation of Dr. Bach. The standards are very strict: precise botanical determination, wild flowers blooming away from any pollution , picked in optimal climatic conditions, adjuvant organic brandy at 40 °, dilution to 1/250 th , certified organic essences by Ecocert.

Manufacturers labeled Dr. Bach's Original Method have come together in the Bach Flower Guild. But the Original Bach Original Flowers with the Bach signature on the label come from the Bach Center owned by the British company Nelsons. This laboratory now includes the Rescue range in pellets, capsules and drops for animals.

Exotic or desert intruders

Riding on the trend Bach flowers, some brands offer new ready-to-use elixirs: Teens, Communication, Concentration, Addictions, Detox , Libido, Menopause , Slimming , Seniors, Stop Tobacco ... sometimes including even exotic flowers and desert plants , which have nothing to do with the original preparations.

On the sites, there are also compositions based on synthetic flowers, less expensive but lacking the active ingredients expected. Before any purchase, outside the pharmaceutical network and organic stores, check that the brand is certified organic agriculture (AB) and Ecocert.

And if so far, the scientific effects of Bach flowers are not proven, there is no risk of habituation. Side contraindications, they are nevertheless advised against children, pregnant or breastfeeding women and people suffering from alcoholism, for which it is recommended to dilute the drops in the bath water.

If you have any doubts about your choice, you can contact an advisor at the Institut français des formateurs approved by the Bach Center or on www. or LPEFB: