Sleep and difficulty falling asleep, a French affair

How to sleep well ? A question that teases. According to a survey conducted in 2009 by the Institute of Sleep and Vigilance, nearly 30% of French sleep less than 7 hours per night. More specifically, 25 to 35 years sleep 7 to 8 hours per day and 35 to 55 years less than 6 hours. As for severe insomnia , it affects 10% of French people. For the record, a child under 10 sleeps 10 hours a day: long and calm nights contribute to the brain development of the youngest.

Metro, work, sleep

A slogan that will be the theme of the 14th Day of Sleep on March 28th. A day established by the authorities and the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance who constantly reminded us that we must take care of our rest : at 75, we will have slept ... 25 years! That is, a third of our life. And be aware that a regular deprivation of good sleep can have consequences: weight gain, diabetes , increased pain, depression, worsening respiratory and cardiovascular disorders, falling asleep at the wheel or at work, decreased performance, relationship difficulties ...

What is sleep?

As Pierre-Hervé Luppi and Isabelle Arnulf remind us, researchers at Inserm specialize in sleep, it " involves various brain mechanisms that regulate the pace day / night , the daily sleep and its quality. There are 4 stages each characterized by a level of cerebral and muscular activity ". Our nights are composed of 4 cycles of about 90 minutes.

Is the sleep disorder hereditary?

Although nothing has been scientifically proven, this track is of interest to researchers. It has been observed that the substance that controls sleep is more or less effective depending on the individual. Since its manufacture is subject to genetic codes , there could be hereditary causes. But there is also a cultural dimension to how you manage your sleep well. Thus, parents who like to go to bed and sleep without considering sleep as a waste of time give this example to their children. While a parent distressed by his own insomnia will tend to panic as soon as his child refuses to go to bed or wakes up during the night.

Can we promote falling asleep?

Yes. And thankfully, because before going to his doctor to ask him little magical pills that make sleep there are some alternatives. First , calm down and breathe . But also learn to cut early enough in the evening computer and Smartphone (to rest in the living room, not in the bedroom!), Relax while taking a bath or with an herbal tea ...

Discover in this folder all the tips for (well) sleep well. And as sleeping well often rhyme with remembering your dreams: so, take the opportunity to learn how to decode your dreams ...