After the bread machine, the yogurt maker and the ice cream maker , Brandt launches the cereal and the cheese . So far the home-made rays have been monopolized by the success of the breadmaker, which finally ran out of steam last year with a 39.9% drop in sales.

The first of these new devices is to prepare six cereal bars in less than 20 minutes . A cookbook accompanies the product to allow consumers to make chocolate or fruity bars.

The second, the machine that makes cheese, has a basket rack, which has been integrated into the device so that gourmands can make their own cheese preparations. Yogurt lovers will also be able to transform the machine into a yogurt maker.

The launches are planned next May , at a price of 40 euros for the cereal and 30 euros for the cheese.

Since 2007, these devices that make bread yourself have been highly acclaimed. The equipment rate in France is 25%. " The average age of the park does not allow for the moment a significant renewal " had explained the Group of Interprofessional Manufacturers of Appliances Household Equipment (GIFAM).
