• Never say never

Since your move in, you hate every day a little more your neighbor from the top. Because it moves with the grace of an elephant in rut, has no respect for your sleep (so light), has doubtful musical tastes that imposes you 22 hours on 24 and impregnates your man with you when you cross. Yet, it may well be that your position is evolving very soon towards him. If Susan, Gabrielle, Bree and Lynette have come to appreciate Edie, nothing is impossible.

Desperate Housewives

  • Never trust appearances

"My friend Gabrielle, for example, I should have seen how unhappy she was, but no, I only saw her haute couture wardrobe, her platinum jewelry, and her brand new diamond watch. If I had looked closer, I would have seen that Gabrielle was a woman on the brink of drowning, desperately searching for a raft of survival. " In the first season of Desperate Housewives, Mary Alice set the tone. For if there is indeed a lesson which this series teaches us about neighborly relations, it is that things are not always what they seem to be.

Desperate Housewives

  • Better to avoid going out in bath towel

When one lives in the city, surrounded by neighbors more or less benevolent, it is better to avoid going out towels from home. Under penalty of being at the door of his apartment naked like a worm and to cross the scornful glance of the retrograde granny of the 3rd.

Desperate Housewives
  • Sweets can be a formidable weapon

And it's not Bree Van de Kamp who will tell us the opposite. Whether it is to collect information, to be forgiven or simply to initiate the meeting, a basket full of pastries and a smile will be your most effective weapon with your neighbors.

  • Every family has its little secrets
"Every family has its secrets, it is better to think carefully before digging them out." Once again, Mary Alice was aiming. Rex's passion for the dominators, Susan's conversion to camgirl, Gabrielle's adulterous relationship and little killings in friends with the Young ... You are a thousand leagues to imagine what is really going on across the street.
Desperate Housewives
  • Life in the suburbs can be full of surprises
You thought that moving into a residential suburb you crossed a life full of adventures? Understand, you could have a much more exciting daily newspaper on the other side of the ring road than in town. And it is not the inhabitants of Wisteria Lane who will tell you the opposite.
Desperate Housewives
  • Good accounts make good friends ...
and good neighbors! In Desperate Housewives, money is often a cause of conflict: between Lynette and Bree when the Scavo couple struggles to put their pizzeria back in the air, between Gabrielle and Susan when Carlos helps Mike to repay his debts ... Money does not happiness, but contributes to good neighborly relations. A tip, so hurry to refund the 3 packages of sugar you owe to your neighbor below.
Desperate Housewives
  • You can not always tell your neighbors

It is nice to stay close to each other, it is better to keep some small information warm at home. Especially during a dinner watered, which turns to settlement of matrimonial account. #Discomfort.

Desperate Housewives
  • A neighbor can become your closest friend
Difficult to make more different than Lynette, Susan, Gabrielle and Bree, whom nothing destined to become friends. If for the moment, your neighbors do not inspire you much, let time act, they could very quickly become your best friends.
Desperate Housewives