Yoga, a new miracle aphrodisiac ? Libido booster ?

The editors have tested for you Yoga & Sex *, an application devised by Heberson Oliveira, certified Yoga teacher. It offers a thoughtful and organized yoga practice to improve one's sexuality by developing all one's bodily and psychic abilities.

Learn to breathe, to relax, to strengthen your perineum ... you will be surprised at all the virtues of certain yoga postures. Here are 5 to start (smoothly).

  • 1st posture: Udhyana Bandha

Place your feet parallel and width of the pelvis, bend your knees slightly and press your hands on the thighs, keep your back flat and shoulders relaxed, your head in the extension of the spine. Exhale through your nose, and tuck your belly inwards and upwards. Stay airless for as long as possible, while maintaining abdominal contraction. When you feel the urge to breathe, inhale and release the belly, normalize your heart and respiratory rhythm, then start a new sequence. This exercise is called Tamas Udhyana Bandha.

Once you are comfortable with the performance of the exercise in a static way, proceed to the execution of the exercise in a dynamic way: the Rajas Udhyana Bandha. Empty the lungs and while keeping the lungs empty, tuck the belly inwards and upwards several times. When you feel the urge to breathe, relax your stomach completely.

Practice Uddhyana Bandha every day, in the morning on an empty stomach. This practice detoxifies the body and strengthens the abdominal belt, improving digestion and transit.

  • 2nd posture: Ardha Natarajasana

Join your feet and raise your right leg straight behind you, lowering the trunk. Stay balanced by keeping the raised leg and trunk parallel to the ground, your head in line with the back. Stay balanced on the left leg. You can also make this Asana with the left leg slightly bent, it is a less advanced version of the exercise.

This position improves balance, flexibility and gives the practitioner an emotional, mental balance by improving concentration. This exercise also works the pelvic floor, the back and the abdomen.

  • 3rd posture: Exercise to unlock the pelvis

Spread the feet of the width of the pelvis, put your hands on each side of the pelvis, slightly bend the knees. By inhaling, antepen your pelvis and exhaling, retrover your pelvis several times.

This exercise improves your posture and will tone, strengthen and stimulate the functioning of the muscles, organs and glands of the pelvic area. It will improve your performance during the sexual act, for both men and women.

Be careful to make Udhyana Bandha and Mula Bandha at the end of each expiration.

  • 4th posture: Shirangustasana

With your feet apart about 1 meter, turn your right foot to the right and bend your right knee. Grab the left wrist behind your back and bring your forehead close to the right foot. For beginner practitioners, you can bring the forehead to the right knee.

The Shirangustásana, improves the flexibility of the pelvis and the strength of the legs. This position tones the pelvic region organs and sexual glands, resulting in more intense pleasure relationships.

  • 5th posture: Bhadrasana

Sitting with the soles close together, raise and lower your knees to the ground several times.

This Asana prepares your body for the following positions of the sequence, and also helps you to strengthen and soften the pelvic floor, the sexual organs. It enhances the articulated flexibility of the lower limbs and hips, not to mention the energy work on the Muladhara Chakra, the point where your vital energy is concentrated.

* "Yoga & Sex", 3.49 €, available on the App Store and on the website