How to see if our animal is suffering from heat?

The animals sweat little. They have more trouble than humans to ventilate . On top of that, their coat does not help things. A few symptoms, however, make it easy to spot if the animal is too hot: it is hyperventilant, has a fixed look, is stressed, the temperature of its body rises ... In these cases we must act quickly, and do not hesitate if necessary to consult a veterinarian.

What to do in case of hot weather?

  • Hydration: like humans, animals must be well hydrated during periods of intense heat. So we always make sure that there is enough water in the bowl, and leave it in an easily accessible place. We do not hesitate to renew regularly so that it has fresh water.
  • The house: The rooms in which the animals are kept should always be ventilated or ventilated . If the animal is outside, we clear the spaces in the shade so that he can settle there.
  • Food: we do not hesitate to increase the share of wet foods , those who are not dehydrated and therefore contain water. So we give a little less kibble to go to pies and dumplings for example.
  • Outings and physical activities: Of course, we absolutely avoid going out during hot weather (between noon and 4 pm) and we forget the activities we do in the year . We prefer to go out very early in the morning, or at the end of the day, when the temperatures drop and we have the opportunity to walk in a shaded area. We do not hesitate to refresh the dog with a jet of water, or a pipe, but we go gradually to avoid the thermal shock.
  • And by car? Above all, we do not leave an animal locked in a car. Even in the shade, even with the windows open, it's no! If we do not have the opportunity to take him with us to a shop or restaurant, we leave him at home by applying the tips just before. When driving, we open the windows or we put the air conditioning, but not too cold to avoid temperature changes too abrupt.